Our Parish Connection

​St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School enjoys a strong connection and positive relationship with our Parish, with many of our families being active members of the faith community. The school looks for opportunities to promote our connection, with the school supporting the Parish in many ways. Parents are encouraged to contact the Parish Office:

STCH211103-1188sm.jpgSchool House Masses
Throughout the school year, each School House celebrates one Sunday Parish Mass together. Students are encouraged to attend these masses with many offered the opportunity to be involved with readings, singing etc. At the conclusion of the Mass, families join with staff and members of the Parish to enjoy a morning tea together. 

The Sacramental Program

The Sacramental Program is coordinated through the Parish. The school collaborates with and supports the Parish in preparing our young people for these special celebrations. Click here for further information.​

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Thomas’s School (2021)